Stavros Niarchos Foundation, Athens (2017)

Athens Festival (2017)

Greek Radio-TV (2016)

Zp87, Athens (2015)

Several photos

Jazz + Praxeis, Patras (2014)

Parafono Jazz Club (2007)

1st Kalamata Jazz Festival (2010)

Metéora recording sessions, studio Sierra (2011)

Trova Club (2007)

Parafono Jazz Club (2008)

Duende Jazz Bar (2011)

Théa (excerpts from the album)
Metéora (excerpts from the album)
Live at ERT (Greek Radio-TV, 2010)
Garret, feat. Yannis Papanastasiou & Nikolas Skordas (Dizzy Miles, 2012)
Garret, feat. Nikolas Skordas, Andreas Polyzogopoulos & Andrea Romani
(Dizzy Miles, 2012)

Review of Harris Lambrakis Quartet from Dimitris Trikas in Popaganda.gr
Harris Lambrakis' interview in AttackTv.gr
CD "Metéora" voted from Avopolis.gr inside the best greek albums for 2013. Interview from the same site (in greek)
Presentation of Metéora cd in musiccorner.gr (in greek)
Review of Metéora in Jazz & Tzaz magazine, page 1 & page 2 (in greek)
Review of Metéora in avopolis.gr
(in greek)
Review of Metéora in Thodoros Xidaris' blog (in greek)
Interview in ogdoo.gr (in greek)
Review of Théa in tar.gr (in greek)